Thanks to all who participated in our Zoom Event on Saturday the 12th of December 2020. Your positive feedback and the stream of donations are truly encouraging and will help us to plan for the future.
There were many requests for the audio, video and script of Zia’s talk about the secrets of Ayurveda. So, we have decided to respond “The Ayurvedic Way”.
Therefore, on the 5th of every month (starting 5th of February 2021), a small “bite” of the talk with appropriate accompaniments will be posted on our EKTA Website.
Here is your first bite,
Managing Weight the Ayurvedic Way – 10 Golden Rules for Good Digestion.

5th February 2021
Dealing With Accumulated AMA

5th March 2021
Triphala & Isabgol

5th April 2021
The Doshas and Prakruti

5th May 2021

5th June 2021
Ayurvedic Healing

5th July 2021
The Rishis of Ayurveda